Monday, January 12, 2015

End of my Typography Adventure

Hello everyone,

I meant to do this 3 weeks ago but have been delayed by a combination of busy-ness and laziness. Typography 1 is officially over and my final grade was a B+. I have no idea what I got on my animation project but I think I did a decent job. I still have no idea how to post it on here. It wasn't that mind blowing, so it's not like you missed out on an artistic goldmine.

The main reason I didn't get an A in the class was because I didn't study hard enough on an exam on text, which was literally an exam on shapes, so I guess I deserve my B+.

I have left Millersville University to support my girlfriend in North Carolina. She got a job teaching at a local elementary school, and when the cliche life decision of staying in a relationship or letting it fall apart from long distance came, I took the leap and moved to the South.

I enjoyed my time at Millersville and will think of it fondly. The campus was close to home, quiet, and cheap (not cheap in the bad way, MU had great facilities). There weren't any professors I didn't like and classes weren't that difficult. I will appreciate how the school helped me back on track to obtaining a degree. I hope to transfer to a college here in the fall to finish my higher education.

I got a B+ in my only other art class as well (Drawing 1) and could have gotten easily A's if I put in more effort. Working full time (at strange hours) and going to school full time was a bit rough, but I am sure lots of other students are doing the same thing so it's not much of an excuse. I also had a stupid group project in another class with a group of business majors that had to have their hands held through everything that ate up a bunch of potential art time. Hopefully I can learn a lot about time management from these experiences and make sure I don't repeat the same mistakes of putting my art work off til the last minute because it comes easier to me. I shouldn't be getting A's in my non art classes and B's in my actual major, I am doing it backwards. You are a dodo, Mike.

Professor Mata was pretty nice and class usually went smoothly. It was nice to dip my feet into Illustrator and other Adobe programs for the first time.

I will miss my classmates, but no one ever checks any of these blogs so I am sure no one will read this anyway. It made me a bit sad that my peers thought it was "creepy" that I was checking their blogs to see what work they were doing. I wanted to be good at this with what limited time I had so I tried to use what they were doing as inspiration. The only other student that really kept up with his blog was James, and he did maybe the best work in class so that was good to see. I enjoyed his short company and should have said goodbye to him properly. You can keep the Scott Pilgrim set James, I don't need it anymore. I hope a bright career in art is ahead of him.

These were my first real art classes on a college level and I think the thing I took most from them was how to interact with other artists. It seemed like no one wanted to hear how their work was bad which is an integral part of improvement. I wasn't perfect at reacting to criticisms from Professor Mata myself, but I felt like I was okay at coming to terms with that she doesn't want anyone to do bad and was only trying to help us. I personally think a lot of art is subjective and silly, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be good at it. I still have a lot of room for individual improvement and need to make sure I keep practicing and pushing myself to realize what potential I may have.

I will miss the rest of my back row pals (Gaby, Kylee, Andrew, James, and Shane), Jarren, Ty, Roy, Julie, Noah, and the tiny Australian girl. I wish them all the best in both their lives and artistic careers.

If anyone was following this blog from that blog robot thing here is my own art blog that I am going to try to resume updating once a week again.

I will have actually been trying to put together a picture for a little art contest where I win nothing for fun, so lets see if I can keep up drawing daily.

Goodbye Typography blog, we had a good run.