Friday, October 10, 2014

Art 240, Week 6: Let's make a shirt! Then after you make it do a presentation that isn't that good because you are dumb.

All right, lets make a shirt!

     Here are the materials I gathered. A dark purple shirt, a light pink shirt with a tinge of gray and some patches of fabric. (green, white, and black)

     Here is the beginning of the spider. I decided to make his hair out of paper because the fabric I bought proved too difficult to cut accurately. The mouth is also made out of paper for the same reason. The body and eyes are make of thicker yarn. The legs proved difficult to cut out correctly and I kind of had to just freelance them. On the final spider I put him together a little bit too close together, but it's okay. I used hot glue to hold everything on the shirt together.

     Here is the spider on the shirt I choose to see how it would look with the color composites.

     Here is a picture of the beginning of the web. I used thin fabric for these web strands.

     Here is the shirt with a lot of the text on it. I decided to use paper text because I waited til the last minute and the fabric was proving tricky to cut out properly. With paper I could quickly cut out the letters and have them look like the typeface they were to be representing.

     Here is me wearing the shirt. I wanted to see how it looked. I added more letters on the web after this.

     Another shirt picture. This time the spider and me have the same face. :D

     This is what my room looked like after all the cutting and hot gluing.

     These are my note cards I used during my presentation. I completely misused my time and didn't make a powerpoint. Some people even wrote a paper, so I think I may have messed that up too. I posted my blog post to the google drive for the class and put some of these images there as well.
     I think my shirt came out really nice. It had a neat mixed media feel to it. I think it wouldn't have came out as nice if I just had it printed, so that is a happy accident that came about because of me not staying on a tight schedule. I will post a better picture of it after Professor Mata takes one for her files. My presentation was lacking and I could have done a much better job. I'm not really giving some of the aspects of this class my all and that has to change if I want a better overall grade.
     I hope I at least got a B overall on the assignment so I can salvage my total class grade in the upcoming 9 weeks of the class.

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