Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Art 240: Week 15, Just more animation work, some inspiration

So yeah, I tried to post my animation here last week and failed. There is a way to get it posted via code, but I am just too dumb to do so. I am about 70 percent done right now and only have like 4 more sentences to go. The professor wanted some inspiration for the book and animation of said book, but all I really had was a look I was thinking of which was basically from the movies themselves...

Wes Anderson makes heavy use of Futura in all of his movies. Well why didn't you use Futura, Michael? I have to pay for that to use it at home, so I just chose a typeface that looked a lot like it in Rockwell.

For my animation Rockwell wasn't available, so I picked Argo which is a good look a like.

I really just wanted to keep my animation as close to my book as possible. There were somethings I decided to just chop out because it won't work animated (or it could work, but it would take a lot of time, which is at a premium for me right now). A lot of my book was taking the text into pieces and trying to use to make the pages look like art. I both failed and succeeded in places while doing this, but to do it with the animation would again, take a lot of time to do right.

So I decided that my first goal would to be to just finish the animation and make it as clear and readable as possible.

Here is an example of my work in progress. I'm not trying to make anything crazy right now. Lots of plain stuff, fade ins, fade outs, stuff moving in, moving out, just trying to get the animation finished.

I didn't do any thumbnails, I kinda just went in and winged it. For my final few slides I am just going to stick to the formula that's worked so far and KISS ( keep it simple stupid).

We only have one class this week, so now its time for Thanksgiving. Hurray! I will post more influence'y stuff up next week. We'll just be having two more work days so maybe I can fail at putting up the animation again.

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